Publication Opportunities

  • All accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference e-proceeding (with eISSN).

ICAM2024 provides publication opportunities for selected papers in SCOPUS/WoS/ERA/MyCite indexed journals, subject to the terms and conditions of the journals. Any costs related to the journal publication are the responsibility of the author(s). The potential indexed journals include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Meditari Accountancy Research  (WoS, Scopus)

  • Asian Journal of Accounting Research  (Scopus)

  • International Journal of Economics & Management  (Scopus)

  • Jurnal Pengurusan  (Scopus)

  • Management and Accounting Review (Scopus)

  • Asian Journal of Accounting Research (Scopus)

  • Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance (Scopus)

  • Asian Journal of Business and Accounting (Scopus)

  • Humanities and Social Science Letters (Scopus)

  • Journal of Nusantara Studies   (ESCI-WOS)

  • Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal (ESCI-WOS)

  • Asian Journal of Accounting & Governance (ESCI-WOS)

  • Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal (ESCI-WOS)

  • International Journal of Financial Research (ERA)

  • Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives (MyCite)

  • ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MyCite)

  • Journal of Business Management and Accounting (MyCite)